Feel the Love of Great Data

Join Us in Booth 1806

Apartmentalize | June 19-21, 2024 | Philadelphia

ALN Apartment Data is coming to Philadelphia for Apartmentalize

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Stop by Booth 1806 to find out how accurate, reliable multifamily data can help your business reach your goals.

Let's learn more about you

Knowing more about your business helps us find the most direct path to your success utilizing our data and platforms. Fill out the short form and one of our experts will be in touch to talk about next steps.

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You could win at Booth 1806

Visit our booth for an exciting opportunity to win some really great Louis Vuitton swag! While you're there, explore the latest in our data and platforms, and get personalized recommendations from our knowledgeable team.

Who is ALN Apartment Data?

We are highly specialized, accurate, and timely multifamily data available nationwide. Since 1991, ALN Apartment Data has helped empower the best minds in the multifamily industry through thought leadership, reliable data, and second-to-none support for our clients.

Independently Owned

We are an independently owned company, meaning we answer only to ourselves and our clients. We hire, train, and develop from within and operate with one focused goal in mind: to empower the best minds in the multifamily industry by providing accurate, reliable data.

Over Three Decades of Experience

Since 1991, ALN Apartment Data has been the research company of choice for thousands of industry professionals. We our proud of our decades of growth, experience, and dedication to helping other businesses succeed.

Industry Support

Not only are we members of NAA, but we're also proud members in the National Suppliers Council and well over 100 industry related associations across the United States. We support our industry by participating in local, state, and national events and by speaking throughout the country.

Follow us for even more

Watch original content like our Takeaways series, where our Senior Market Analyst, Jordan Brooks, gives additional context to the monthly newsletter articles. Get exclusive insights, reporting, and company news from your preferred social media channels. 

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Nationwide Multifamily Data

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Our mailing address is:
2611 Westgrove, Suite 104, Carrollton, Texas 75006


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